
This is the class website for Core 1: Interaction, Section B. This is an introductory digital design and code class taught by Nikki Makagiansar.

The class meets on Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am – 11:40am at Parsons 2 W 13th, Room 311.


View the course syllabus here.

The syllabus schedule is subject to change throughout the course of the semester based on the pace we move in class but should remain largely intact.

Office Hours

If you need to meet with me outside of class, please email me directly to share context about our meeting, and book a 30-minute slot on my Calendly .

Community Agreements

Our shared community agreements that we have co-created as a class and agree to follow are below.

What we do:

  • We are engaged during presentations and critiques.
  • We give honest, appropriate, and constructive feedback.
  • We uplift each other’s work.
  • We respect each other's learning styles.
  • We provide constructive criticism with helpful suggestions for improvement.
  • We check our own biases.

What we don't do:

  • We do not intimidate and encourage competition.
  • We are not disrespectful.
  • We do not talk over each other.


Majority of this course content has been adapted from Cybele Grandjean and Talia Cotton , two wonderful Parsons professors who have laid the groundwork for this course.

This website is set in the typeface Standard by Bryce Wilner .

This website was hand-coded using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.